Thanks to the collaboration among Fondazione Aquileia, the General Direction of Archaeology, Fine Arts and Landscape of Friuli Venezia Giulia, the Polo Museale del Friuli Venezia Giulia, the Municipality of Aquileia, as well as all the universities carrying out their excavations campaigns in Aquileia (University of Padua, Trieste, Udine, Venice and Verona) and the local associations (Associazione nazionale per Aquileia,  Koinè, Pozzo d'oro, Pro Loco Aquileia, Società Friulana di Archeologia), all the archaeological areas and excavation sites of Aquileia are opened to the public on certain days, when archaeologists and scholars welcome citizens and enthusiasts on the sites to report about the latest discoveries and the results of the latest surveys.

The open days come coupled with some side events, including workshops and performances entirely dedicated to the discovery of the extraordinary archaeological heritage of Aquileia, a UNESCO World Heritage site since 1998.

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