The ancient Roman metropolis of Aquileia reveals one of its most evocative places: the Domus di Tito Macro, one of the largest Roman residences among those discovered in Northern Italy. 1700 square meters tell us about life in a dwelling of the ancient city. The dwelling extended between two paved streets within one of the southern blocks. With the guided tour we will take you to discover the entrance hall, the tablinium, the kitchen, the beauty of the mosaic floors of the wealthy residence.
Programme from Saturday 10 October to Sunday 1 November 2020
Every Saturday and Sunday:
morning h 10.00 a.m.
11.00 a.m.
afternoon h 2.30 p.m.
3.30 p.m.
Service available in: Italian (in English only on request and upon reservation)
Duration of the visit: about 40 minutes
Starting point: Infopoint PromoTurismoFVG di Aquileia - Via Iulia Augusta, 11
Price: 3,00€ per person for the guided tour. Admission to the Domus is free.
Free for children under 18 years old.
Free with FVGcard
Free with FVGcardAquileia
Organisation: PromoTurismo FVG in collaboration with Fondazione Aquileia
Reservation required by contacting the Infopoint PromoTurismoFVG in Aquileia:
Tel. 0431 919491
It should be remembered that the individual responsibility of users is an essential element to give effectiveness to general prevention measures to contain and manage the covid-19 epidemiological emergency.
Therefore, please read the regulations below:
Participation in guided tours is prohibited for all persons with body temperature above 37.5 °C
Participation in the guided tour is permitted for a maximum of 25 people (plus the guide)
It is mandatory to maintain a safety distance of at least 1 metre.
It is compulsory to always wear a mask, also in fabric, for the protection of the nose and mouth.
It is recommended to use the sanitising gel made available at the entrances of churches and museums.
INFORM YOU FURTHER THAT for health security reasons it is necessary to leave your data which will be stored for 15 days and then deleted.
The staff on duty at the infopoints will therefore ask you for your name, surname and telephone number